If you’re a fisherman, or at least you like to fish, you’d probably want your kids to join the angler community as well. To make things even better, you live near a pond or a coast which makes fishing nearby, and you don’t have to spend hours of traveling! There’s a lot of benefits of fishing with your kids, such as a good bonding time together, getting vitamin D for you and your kids, and to distract them from electronic gadgets. If you’ve never taken your kids to fish with you, then worry no further. We’ve made a small guide to do that, so do read more to know about what the guide is.

Getting The Tools

pondWhen you’re getting the tools for your kids, there are a lot of fishing poles out there, but we suggest to avoid the baby pole as it does not grow with your baby and tends to be more expensive than other poles. We recommend a youth pole, which is different from the baby pole and it much cheaper.

Backup Plan

plansMake sure to have a backup plan because fishing with kids is not always rainbows and sunshine. There are times when your kids might whine because they don’t want to fish or the fish are not biting up the bait. If this happens, make sure to encourage your kid not to give up and wait, and if they don’t want to fish don’t force them or else they might growing up hating fishing or have a trauma of fisheries.

Help Your Kids

You know it yourself that fishing is not as easy as it looks, so be sure to help your kids with how to cast the pole, spooling the line, telling them on when to fish and many more. They will not get it at first but it’s okay, it’ll be quite a journey but be patient, and it’ll be worth it.


Although not as dirty as gardening, fishing is still a dirty job especially when you’re grabbing the fish with your bare hands. Make sure to tell your kids to wash their hand before and after fishing; this will ensure that the hygiene for you and your kids are well-maintained.