Three Reasons Why Chartering Yacht Can Be Your Best Holiday Plan

You’ve been saving up for years, and you are now looking for ideas on how to spend your money. And like many other city dwellers who get bored with the mundane urban life, you want to have your escape by having a holiday. And if you’ve never sailed on a yacht before, we’ll convince you with three reasons why you should try it at least once or twice in your lifetime.

Exploring Untouched Spots

an express yachtThe views you’ll get from a yacht will be the exclusive ones. You’ll direct the course of the boat, and you don’t even have to know how to navigate it. Whether it is the small island near the coast or some reef areas coming out of nowhere during your voyage, you can explore them all with your yacht.

Moreover, since you rent the whole boat for yourself, the services will be all dedicated to you. If you want to fish, you can absolutely do that too! Bring your fishing buddies along with your best gears and aim at the sea!

Pampered by Services

Even if you are a navigator, when you rent a 100 ft, you are still required to hire the ship crew too. Usually, it’s included in the rent package. Besides, there’s no losing side to this offer. You don’t want just to sail a boat. You want to be treated like a king too! For a glimpse, check out this rental company, Lucky Charter Mallorca. They provide luxury services within a reasonable price range.

The crew’s jobs will be to tend the bar and kitchen, and to keep the hygiene in the boat. They are also trained to overcome emergency situations on board. Having them also means extra security for you and other passengers.

Relatively Affordable Than Owning a Yacht

docking yachtsYou probably have so much money now and think, “If cruising on a yacht is that good, I should perhaps buy it and own it myself.” Well, one thing to note here is the upkeep. You may afford to buy a yacht, but if you calculate the total costs just to maintain it, you’ll realize that unless you rent it again, owning it is pretty much dead weight. The fluctuation of the fuel, engine maintenance, boat parts replacement, and its hygiene will create unnecessary monthly expenses, not to mention the docking fee.

If you rent a yacht, you’ll be free from those responsibilities and upkeep fees. Besides, it is not like you are going to be on your yacht every day.…

Guide on Fishing With Your Kids

If you’re a fisherman, or at least you like to fish, you’d probably want your kids to join the angler community as well. To make things even better, you live near a pond or a coast which makes fishing nearby, and you don’t have to spend hours of traveling! There’s a lot of benefits of fishing with your kids, such as a good bonding time together, getting vitamin D for you and your kids, and to distract them from electronic gadgets. If you’ve never taken your kids to fish with you, then worry no further. We’ve made a small guide to do that, so do read more to know about what the guide is.

Getting The Tools

pondWhen you’re getting the tools for your kids, there are a lot of fishing poles out there, but we suggest to avoid the baby pole as it does not grow with your baby and tends to be more expensive than other poles. We recommend a youth pole, which is different from the baby pole and it much cheaper.

Backup Plan

plansMake sure to have a backup plan because fishing with kids is not always rainbows and sunshine. There are times when your kids might whine because they don’t want to fish or the fish are not biting up the bait. If this happens, make sure to encourage your kid not to give up and wait, and if they don’t want to fish don’t force them or else they might growing up hating fishing or have a trauma of fisheries.

Help Your Kids

You know it yourself that fishing is not as easy as it looks, so be sure to help your kids with how to cast the pole, spooling the line, telling them on when to fish and many more. They will not get it at first but it’s okay, it’ll be quite a journey but be patient, and it’ll be worth it.


Although not as dirty as gardening, fishing is still a dirty job especially when you’re grabbing the fish with your bare hands. Make sure to tell your kids to wash their hand before and after fishing; this will ensure that the hygiene for you and your kids are well-maintained.…